In my research, I have found some interesting Childbirth resources that I wanted to share:
1. A very helpful website that I frequently visit is Birthing Naturally. Whether you are planning to labor without medication or planning to get an epidural, this website offers valuable information on several different topics.
3. I wish that I knew of this book when I went into labor with my girls. It's called The Labor Progress Handbook. Many of the techniques I have learned about in this book I plan to include in my "bag of tricks" to assist mommies as they labor. The book is packed with suggestions, solutions, and drawings of different labor positions for specific situations. For woman who choose me as their doula, I would like to devote one of our prenatal visits to practicing these different comfort measures and labor positions. In this way, you can go into your labor with some tools to use when those intense contractions start coming.
4. I have included this here picture of "Penny Simkin's Road Map of Labor" on the list of helpful resources. This helps me visualize the possible journey of a woman in labor. During her trip, she encounters some back pain and then travels onto different comfort measures and positions to help her along the way. Support is right by her side as she travels uphill. This road splits with another scenario of a possible (but certainly not definite) outcome when the mother chooses intervention.

Please know that as your doula, I will support you in whatever decision you make. I am your advocate and, I commit to offer continuous encouragement throughout your journey in labor and birth.