Thursday, September 2, 2010

The sea of labor.

Your pregnancy ~ a channel.

Your labor ~ a sea.

You ~ a vessel of God’s grace.

Rocks and waterfalls and shallow waters marked your months. You held on tight to the rim of the boat during those times, and your friends and family cheered you on from the shoreline, celebrating and anticipating your child’s arrival.

When you entered into the sea of labor, you rocked and you breathed in perfect sync. The waves of your contractions became stronger and soon you had an irresistible urge to push. You rode these waves for several contractions, trying hard to get on top of them. You were finding your rhythm in this labor.

When your child was born, I saw your face turn from exhaustion to elation. You fell totally in love with your baby the moment you met; the joy on your face was beautiful and natural. The waves had calmed and you held your baby tight. You rode the sea of labor with grace and strength.