Doula/Client Agreement
As your doula, I strive to provide personalized emotional support, physical comfort and information with the purpose of helping ensure a satisfying birth experience as defined by you, the mother. I can provide reassurance and perspective to you and your partner, make suggestions for labor progress and help with relaxation, massage, positioning and other techniques for comfort. I work for you; I work to be your advocate.
Services Provided:
~ 2-3 prenatal visits to discuss parent’s desires and preparations for birth
~ Phone and Email support as needed during your pregnancy
~ Back Up Doula Support, if needed
~ Emotional, physical and informational support during labor and birth
~ Photography of any part of the labor and birth process, if desired
~ One postpartum visit
~ A Written Birth Story
Prenatal Visits
After our initial consultation meeting, I prefer to meet with you and your partner at least twice before labor to become acquainted, to explore and discuss your priorities and any fears or concerns, to discuss and become familiar with your birth plan, including our preferences regarding pain management options and the use of pain medications, and to plan how we all might best work together to help you. I want to be well prepared to best serve you with personalized care and these meetings will be fun and beneficial.
Please be aware that, as a doula:
~ I do not perform clinical tasks, such as blood pressure, fetal heart checks, vaginal exams, or other medical procedures that fall under the legal definition of practicing medicine. I am there to provide only physical comfort, emotional support and advocacy.
~ I do not provide information, dosages or advice concerning prescription or alternative medicine, or medical advice pertaining to you or your baby.
~ I do not make decisions for you. I will help you get the information necessary for you to make an informed decision. I will also remind you if there is a departure from your birth plan.
~ I do not speak to the staff on your behalf. I will discuss your concerns with you and suggest options, but you or your partner will speak on your behalf to the clinical staff.
When you are in labor:
Please call me when you think you are in labor, even if you do not yet need support. I can answer questions and make suggestions over the phone. At this point, together we can decide if you need immediate assistance or we should wait for further change. Please plan on me needing approximately 1 - 2 hours to get to where you are from the time you ask me to come. We will also decide where to meet- at your home or the hospital. Except for extraordinary circumstances, I will be able to remain with you throughout labor and birth.
During your labor:
In the event of a long labor, I may need to take a break to eat a meal, phone my family, take a shower, take a short nap (if you are resting as well) in order to be refreshed and provide excellent service.
After the birth:
I plan to remain with you 1 to 2 hours after birth, until you are comfortable and your family is ready for quiet time together. I can also offer you breastfeeding encouragement, if requested.
Postpartum Visit:
I would like to get together with you within one to two weeks to see how you are doing, to review the birth, to admire your baby, and to get feedback from you about my service.
If you have a scheduled or emergency c-section, I will offer to attend the birth.
This is to be discussed with each couple during a phone interview or consultation meeting.