Thursday, November 11, 2010

Sample of Birth Information Questionnaire

The following is a sampling of items for the mother and father to respond to

on the Birth Information Questionnaire. I ask the parents to fill this form out

so I have a clear idea of the kind of labor and birth they are hoping to have,

and which interventions are totally fine for them and which, if any, they

wish to avoid.

For the record - I will support whatever decision you make for

your labor and birth. I am here to be your advocate and encourage you!

On the actual form, there are places for the couple to circle

"Really Upset" "A Little Upset" "I don't know" "Semi-Okay" or "Totally Fine"

in response to these items:

Stripping your membranes

(w/o your permission).....

Stripping your membranes

(w/ your permission):

Induced Labor:

Pitocin augmentation:

Wearing a hospital gown:

Routine IV during labor

and birth:

Not being allowed to eat/drink

during labor:


Narcotic pain relief:

Continuous external fetal monitoring:

Artificial rupture of membranes:

Breath holding pushing:

Pushing in the supine position (on your back):

Nurses counting (cheerleading) during pushing:


Local Anesthetic:

Vacuum extractor or forceps delivery:

Perineal tear (this is not a procedure):

Surgical Birth (Cesarean):

Surgical Birth (Cesarean) Without your doula:

Early Cord Clamping (before cord stops pulsating):

Erythromycin in baby’s eyes:

Vitamin K injection:

Routine deep suctioning of baby’s airways:

_______________End of Partner Section__________________

The rest should be filled out by the mother.

Although its impossible to know in advance what you will need from me during labor, please tell me how you think I will be able to help you most. You can change your mind during labor.

Here, on the actual form, Mothers can choose the following answers:

"Don't Need" "Need a little" "Need a lot" "Need Most"

Help with breathing and relaxation:

Massage/soothing touch:

Ideas for comfort and progress:

Help communicating with medical staff:

Support for your goals:

Remind you of your birth plan:

Help communicating with your family:

Recite Scripture verses:


Offer Aromatherapy:

Answers for the Photography Questions are:

"Don't Need" "May Need" "Want"

Photography of the labor:

Photography of the birth:

Photography of baby and bonding:


Which of the following, if any, have you found to be useful for relaxation in your day to day life:


Doesn’t help

Helps a little

Helps a lot

Helps most


Doesn’t help

Helps a little

Helps a lot

Helps most


Doesn’t help

Helps a little

Helps a lot

Helps most


Doesn’t help

Helps a little

Helps a lot

Helps most


Doesn’t help

Helps a little

Helps a lot

Helps most


Doesn’t help

Helps a little

Helps a lot

Helps most


Doesn’t help

Helps a little

Helps a lot

Helps most

Water: Bath, shower, hot tub….

Doesn’t help

Helps a little

Helps a lot

Helps most


Doesn’t help

Helps a little

Helps a lot

Helps most

What elements of the birth experience are most important to you?

Feeling in control of my labor………………

Least important

Not sure

Most important

Feeling clear-headed and alert during labor…

Least important

Not sure

Most important

Having my husband be actively involved……..

Least important

Not sure

Most important

Labor starting naturally……………………

Least important

Not sure

Most important

Avoiding medical interventions………….......

Least important

Not sure

Most important

Availability of medical interventions, if needed

Least important

Not sure

Most important

Feeling minimal pain……………………........

Least important

Not sure

Most important

Being active and mobile……………………...

Least important

Not sure

Most important

Bonding with my baby immediately after birth

Least important

Not sure

Most important

Seeing or touching my baby’s head as it crowns

Least important

Not sure

Most important

Letting my instincts guide me………………..

Least important

Not sure

Most important


Least important

Not sure

Most important


Least important

Not sure

Most important


Least important

Not sure

Most important