To me...
Laboring women... share the natural, primitive experience with the first mother, Eve.
I wonder what it was like for Eve as she labored outside the Garden of Eden. Did she walk through some worn paths and get down on her hands and knees when a really powerful contraction came? Was she surprised at the pain she was feeling? What was Adam doing? Was he picking fruit or was he the ideal labor coach applying counterpressure, suggesting different labor positions, and modeling breathing patterns?
As I ponder the possiblities of this childbirth experience, I turn to God's Word and find the answer. In the record of the first baby to be born on the Earth, Eve does not mention anything except one simple yet profound detail:
"She said, 'With the help of the LORD I have brought forth a man.'" Genesis 4:1b
Think about it when you read, With the help of the LORD. How do you think the LORD's help was manifested to Eve? The Bible doesn't share these details, but I think that the fact God Himself provided what Eve needed when she was in childbirth can be a great encouragement to us women.
His help is ready and His grace is there. As you prepare for labor and childbirth, as you feel the onset of the most intense contractions you have ever felt, remember that time long ago when the first mother gave birth. Remember the one detail God wanted the rest of the world to know.
With the help of the LORD....