Monday, November 15, 2010

reflections on your birth day

                                         Underneath you, all around you
flowed water’s current of husband-love.
You floated and you rested in his arms,
speaking into your body,
beckoning the opening,
and breathing release.
All while wet hands held and
reflections of miracles spoke
into the cleft of the room.

You burrowed in
warm nest where mommy bird perched from pillow top
and sang soothing sounds over you.
Strong hands kneaded.
Comfort whispered.
Wrapped in blankets white,
you waited,
you opened,
you called her to your arms.
She entered
and you returned
to receive
and hold,
and kiss.

Family of three nestled close
while babe suckled breast,
dreaming and speaking of
adventures unfold.